Sunday, October 10, 2010

Florence County DUI Attorney and your DUI Chemical Tests

Any driver in South Carolina is considered to have given his or her consent to submit to a breath test or a blood or urine analysis to check for the presence of alcohol or drugs or the combination of both. If you arrested for South Carolina DUI, the suspected drinking driver is to give a sample for chemical analysis. If a driver is stopped and ultimately charged with driving under the influence, the police officer must warn the driver that he or she has the right to refuse to take the test. In addition, the officer operating the breath testing machine must advise the driver that he or she has the right to a blood or urine test whether or not the driver submits to the breath test. The driver who requests an additional test must pay for the requested test or tests. The arresting officer is also required to provide the driver with "affirmative assistance" in obtaining the additional tests. For example, if the motorist requests a urine test, the arresting officer is required to transport the driver to a medical facility that performs urinalysis. For further information, please visit your Florence County DUI Attorney, Greenwood County DUI Attorney or your Kershaw County DUI Attorney.

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