Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Illinois DUI Laws and the Montgomery County DUI Attorney

The State of Illinois drinking and driving laws start with the .08 percentage blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limit. All states across the country prohibit driving with a .08 percent BAC or above. If you are under the age of 21 in Illinois "Zero" tolerance are in place for alcohol and driving. Individuals who consume alcohol as part of a religious ceremony or in prescribed medicine containing alcohol are exempt. Even with the exceptions, driving with a BAC of .08 is the limit in all cases.

There isn't one calculation that works for all drivers to determine estimate the level of alcohol in your system. Variables such as body-fat percentage, age, weight, genetics and number of drinks consumed over a given time-frame all contribute to the DUI formula. Studies show that some individuals could have as much as a .05 percentage increase in their BAC for each drink consumed. Given that number, it would take very few drinks to become legally impaired in the state of Illinois. For further information, contact your Montgomery County DUI Attorney.

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